Use These FREE Tools To Your Advantage
The cool thing is Google Calendar is free to use, and Notion is free to use for personal use. How great is that?! There are so many tools out there today that you can utilize that can completely change your life. Notion has been a truly life-changing tool for me, both for my biz and my personal life.
Focused Energy = More Freedom
You can free up more time, more energy, and just create more space in your day when you learn how to do things more efficiently. Productive systems are a means to giving you back more freedom in your day and in your life.
On a personal note… I considered last year to be one of my most productive years. Rather than just measure “productivity” by how much I “accomplished”, I focus on what my productivity allowed me to do outside of my day job.
For one, I am finally able to take Fridays off. It had been something I wanted to do for a while, but it took me a few years to get here. Once I buckled down and created a system that worked for me to have more focused energy, I shifted into a four-day work week and I’m still doing that today. I also made friendship and community a priority. I made more plans, I co-worked with friends, met up for drinks after work, and really felt like I had a social life without the stress of work looming in the back of my mind.
I also watched a TON of Korean dramas (to cope with the anxiety of this crazy world lol). And with all of that, I was still able to hit my biggest financial milestone yet. All in all, I made a lot more impact with a lot more focused energy – and I felt more free.
I hope these productivity tips, systems, and solutions can help you get your time and energy back, so you can go out there and live your life.
It’s also important to remember that these systems are never going to be absolutely perfect. While I hope these tools and my tips taught you something you can implement into your workflow, life is always going to throw things at you that you cannot plan for. When that happens, practice the pause, take a deep breath, and adapt accordingly. Some days might just be a wash because it’s just a bad day, but that’s okay. Like I said, productivity should not be wrapped up in our self-worth. Even on those days, you’re still deserving of it all. Make sure you check in with yourself and make your mental health FIRST priority.
Thanks for walkin’ through how I plan my week with me. Let me know what videos you’d like to see next!