Happy Thursday! How has your week been? It’s been just fine over here, though I wake up everyday with what feels like a long list to check off. And I do pretty well with it! Yet, the next day there is a fresh long list waiting. How is that even possible? Regardless, I’m happily bopping along through my lists, certain that next week will be the relax and soak it up week… right? 😉

It’s funny because Hailey (13) is experiencing a new phenomenon of having friends come over everyday, which she loves. However, my routine oriented girl has been thrown for a loop because spending her afternoons playing means her usual routine of going for a run, playing piano, and working on Christmas presents has been pushed to the back burner and in the evening she’s all- mom, I didn’t get any of my stuff done today! It’s created some great opportunities for discussion and learning more about time management skills. Today she is determined to get up earlier and has a set plan for her day. Some of those first born daughter birth order traits sure ring true in our home!
Back in my world- my attention is mostly focused on house things and Christmas hosting things (both things I enjoy, thus the happily bopping through my list). I bought two cabinets from Walmart that I’m hoping to assemble today so I can put away the piles of board games accumulating in the rec room. Additionally, I’m finalizing and submitting my Butcher Box order to ensure I have all the meats I need for hosting Christmas. We do tenderloin on Christmas day and I secured one of the grass-fed, grass-finished options they have available right now.
We are excited to host my mom, Kris (brother), Cara, Kyla, and Lacey at our new home this year and I’m working as hard as I can to make it feel comfortable and cozy. I have beds ready and bathroom baskets stocked. Yesterday I worked on the menu and I think I almost have it finalized with our traditional family favorites and a few fun new items. Would it be helpful to post and link recipes or are you pretty set on your own holiday go-tos?

Last night we participated in one of our favorite family traditions- team Christmas shopping! We switch teams each year and this year it was Kaitlyn and me together and Hailey and David together. We went out for Mexican and then hit up Walmart with a budget and a time limit to pick out gifts for the other team. We started this back in 2018 and it stuck as something the girls look forward to every year! They like the thrill of the rush and looking out not to run into each other. I love that they practice thinking of the other and what would make them smile.
I forgot to get a picture of us all at the starting gate, so I had to settle for a blurry car selfie afterwards once our treasures were hidden in black contractor bags and safely stored in the bed of the truck.

Do my eyes look tired? It’s because… I was tired. Happy, but tired.
We miss our traditional shopping for Feed NC this year and look forward to finding a local food bank to get involved with in the new year. We did bake cookies and go caroling at a local nursing home with our co-op and I’m so glad we did. The girls got more out of it than I anticipated and understood how they were able to bring some cheer to these men and women simply through conversation and kindness.
OK- to do list for today (shared here to hold me accountable)
- math with the kids
- listen to The Christmas Pig (annual tradition- the audiobook is SO well done- voices and all)
- finalize gifts for nieces and nephews
- finalize Christmas menu and write grocery list
- assemble cabinets and organize board games
- phone call with potential piano teach for Hailey
- get new jeans for Kaitlyn
- make lemon oregano chicken thighs for dinner
Thanks for stopping by the ol blog and I hope your day is joyfully productive! 🙂