I love dressing up, but as usual either I don’t want to spend any money or I procrastinate till the last minute. If you are like me then this post is for you.
I wanted to dress as Cruella Deville, but realized I had no white fur in my closet, I had a brown one but not sure if it looks good. So, I visited my favorite thrift store and had no luck finding a white fur coat. But I did find a red bow tie and that gave me the idea of dressing up as Marry Poppins!
I had almost everything in my closet. The skirt, white button-down blouse, the hat, tights, booties, and the umbrella. I just stopped by the Dollar store to buy some fake flowers to add to my hat! I actually got this idea from Loren Conrad. I also found several items on Amazon, most of them Prime (depends on the size) in case you need to buy something last minute.